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What are the basic rules to this?


Thank you for your interest in the basic rules!

This game was done for a "24 word JAM". So, it lacks a lot of clarifications and a proper Rule Setting... It's advised that the players are already familiar with some tapletop RPGs concepts (I should have mentioned that somewhere, and I didn't - my bad).

The character sheet should contain all you need (besides the dice). It's encouraged that you came up with your own rules. Nevertheless, I'll tell you how it was intended to be played. 

  1. Gather some people to play a "make believe" game. One of you should be the Narrator, the other(s) should be the Protagonist(s).
  2. Discuss the type of world you're portraying. 
  3. Protagonist write 6 skills (based on the portrayed world) and then allocate 8 points (check the screenshots to see some examples).
  4. the Narrator portraits a scene and asks the players: "what do you do?"
  5. the Protagonists tell their intentions. If that action shows some kind of uncertainty, the Narrator defines an obstacle (0,1 or 2) and dice must be rolled by the Protagonists!
  6. Choose the proper skill and roll 5 fudge dice (5df). Based on the amount of points you allocated on that skill, you can ignore that many negative dices.
  7. Compare the dice outcome with the obstacle (check the IF table on the sheet).  Based on that, the Narrator creates a new scene.
  8. Repeat te steps 4 to 7 until you're pleased.


  • your dice pool will decrease (-1dF) when things go bad.
  • check the images - I provided some gameplay examples there (hope it helps).

Well, this is it.

I'm not a native speaker, so I apologize for some errors or speech articulation. If you still have some questions, let me know. And I'll do my best to answer you.

(2 edits)

Super! I like it!

I translated this character sheet for my friends. Would you mind if I shared the result?

Oh damn! I totally missed the notification about your comment.
Sorry for replying it 5 months later -_-
(and I just noticed it because someone made a new comment)

Of course, please share the result :D
So glad you liked it

Thank you for the permission to publish the translation!

I am the one who should be thanking! No only for showing the interest in this game, but also for sharing it with the community and for allowing it to be played in other languages.

If you need any editable file, let me know I'll try to provide it.

Again, sorry for taking me so long to reply.

No problems at all. I can disappear for a long time myself, so I understand everything. You have great products, I hope more people will see them and appreciate them.

This game is wonderful! In spite of its word-count, it's a full-fledged game that you could use to run anything. Also, I adore your art for the gameplay examples. Thyme is so cute!

I wanted to share an idea I had for how to handle lost dice; a lost die could simply be one removed positive die from a roll, and it would work somewhat symmetrically to skills' erasure of negative dice. This idea was thought up after seeing CrlBox's own idea.

I wanted to ask about the blank skills in the examples too; since they don't have any points allocated, are they, like, anti-skills? As in, "this is what the character certainly isn't," or is it like "the character is this, but they're not very good at it, or it tends not to help them against obstacles."


Thank you so much for sharing the ideas. Your appreciation and input is most welcomed.

I think removing a positive die from the roll has the same impact as the "automatic minus" that CrlBox suggested (my answer to their post wasn't there when you made your suggestion - my bad). I am not saying that's not okay, I just think it's creates difficult situations for the players.

About the blank skills:  You can use blank skills, you just have +0 bonus (you're not good at it).

In this game, skills were envisioned to be the same for all the players - things that everyone can do.  You define the skills, when you create the characters - and skills would end up defining the game you about to play. For instance if you're playing a dungeon crawler (where the characters hack and slash all the time) you won't use Charisma - maybe you'll end up with something like "Sword / Arrows / Magic / Silence / Resistance / Camp".  If you want to have unique abilities, write those in "resources" - let's suppose that Magic is not for everyone - then, you should replace it in the Skill section (by Armor, or something, idk) and only those who can use it, should write "Magic" in their Resource section (unlocking that ability and granting a re-roll). 

Hope this clarification helps. Feel free to drop any further questions =) 


LOVE this.
One thing: If you lose dice when failing, it will make success easier for the coming rolls. If you have only three dice left for example and are using a skill with three points allocated, you can't fail anymore.


Glad you like it :)

It's not quite like that. In 24 words it's difficult to explain... Let me try in the comments.

The skill only allows you to ignore negative dice - it doesn't grant you positive value. For instance, if you have a skill of 3, like you said, you can ignore 3 negative dice. But, you still need positive dice to succeed against an obstacle of 1 or 2. And that becomes harder with less dice.

It may not be the best solution... I'm open to suggestions. But I also wanted the dice to emulate HP or vitality - you become weaker as you lost.

What do you think?


You are doing a great job, especially with 24 word limit. The examples are really good as well. 

I dig the dice representing vitality.
Maybe instead of crossing off a die, a die becomes an automatic minus when losing vitality. That would also enhance the chance of a failure, the weaker you get. Or is the downward spiral to severe?

(4 edits) (+1)

(sorry for taking so long to answer, but I missed the notification). I believe "auto minus" solution could lead to a downward spiral, like you also mentioned.

Let's imagine a player facing an obstacle of 2, with -2HP. To get a partial success they need:
A) + + on the dice roll  >>  3 dice (-2HP) VS -2
B) + + + + on the dice roll >> 5 dice VS -4 (-2HP)
both scenarios allow you to have a minus on a roll (if you have 1 skill point to ignore it) or a blank
I believe it's way harder to get B, and that's why I stayed with the A approach.

Your input is great. And I believe it suits the game perfectly, if you're playing an harder scenario, or a game with less rolls, or a game that allows you plenty of health recovery.

What do you think? Thanks for the discussion.

all good and reasonable <3
I was always considering making new rules to use with my fudge dice and when I came upon your rules, I was floored at how much it resonated to how I want rules to be. So I might be fiddling with your rules in the future ;D

Feel free to take the discussion further. I'm not a social-media person, but I will gladly answer the best as I can (even if my english speech isn't the most articulated). 
Let me know when you do your thing  ;)